Entries by Harriet Drew

Ironwork Repairs on A20 Dover

Throughout the lockdown, LMS Highways crews have continued to deliver essential works to keep the countries roads and infrastructure fit for purpose. Repairing failing manhole covers is one example of the key services that LMS Highways provides. Manholes and gullies are often the weak point in a carriageway or trunk road and with the UK’s […]

M20 Major Concrete Repairs

During these challenging and uncertain times, one message from the UK Government is clear – Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives. Maintaining a safe and usable highway network is crucial to ensure our key workers can continue travelling to places of work and essential deliveries can be made throughout the country to those […]

Highways England Blue Star Award

Congratulations to the LMS Highways M20 site team and our refined supply chain for receiving a Highways England Award. This year LMS Highways worked as a tier 2 contractor for A-one+ providing extensive rapid concrete repairs to the M20 junction 8-9. Throughout this project we received a health & safety site audit from Highways England.

LMS Crack and Joint Repair crew visits AB Port of Southampton

LMS Highways working on behalf of Coupe Line recently visited Associated British Ports, Southampton, to provide Fill & Overband Crack Repair to their damaged port access road. Before AB Ports could have the excessively damaged access road re-surfaced, any crack deeper than 3mm required Joint Sealing to ensure a successful finish on the new road […]