It’s Earth Month and we’re on a mission to make it count!

Earth Month takes place in April every year, this annual awareness month is an opportunity to raise awareness and advocate for change around the issues most impacting our planet.

This seems the ideal time to make people aware of our ongoing sustainability and carbon efforts. LMS Highways recognises that within our industry we produce a large amount of Co2 and have a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements.

We aim to follow and promote good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities along with offsetting carbon as we find our way to being carbon neutral.

From 2021 LMS has offset their Co2 produced by planting trees with Treeapp. Treeapp is a global tree planting organisation, operating sites across with world and has received recognition from a number of international newspapers and Sir David Attenborough.

Our efforts are not just focused on offsetting, we have sustainability action plans in place to reduce the carbon we produce as a company and positively impact people. For more details on this please visit our sustainability page.

A few ways we can all celebrate earth month.

  1. Plant a tree – Reduce the Earths carbon footprint by planting a tree.
  2. Spend time in nature – Spend time outdoors soaking in the beauty around us.
  3. Watch a nature documentary – Documentaries are a powerful tool for bringing important environmental issues to the forefront of our minds.
  4. Clean up litter in your community – Whether you rally a clean team or just bring a bag on your next dog walk, cleaning up litter in your community is a small but mighty way to look after our planet.
  5. Make a small lifestyle change – Maybe you could carpool with a colleague or opt for a more eco friendly mode of transport like cycling or walking a few times a week.
  6. Reduce your energy consumption – Reduce the amount of electricity you use by switching off unused plugs or by switching to lower energy using LED light bulbs.