Community Football Club

LMS Highways helps local community football club repair dangerous access road.

Long Lane is an unadopted dirt and gravel track totaling over 1 kilometer in length and is the only entry point for the football club Watcombe Wanderers.

The Watcombe Wanderers are a volunteer run football club looking to improve the wellbeing of the community and provide safe travel to not only the 350 children they offer training and development for, but also anyone who wishes to enjoy the area, including the frequent walkers/dog walkers enjoying the shared space, and the visiting clubs, supporters and families.

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Managing Director Paul Winter has recently completed the Land’s End to John O’Groats cycle challenge for Charity.

The Land’s End to John O’Groats Cycle Challenge is a cycle across the country using national network routes, covering a distance of 1189 miles (1913km) which he completed in an impressive 14 days.

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