Just under 2 years ago, the Directors of LMS Highways started to investigate wider opportunities available as a natural extension of their popular and respected highway repair solutions.

Six months later, the company launched LMS Civil Solutions. Enlisting the services of industry-veteran and self-described ‘concrete-nerd’ Paul Burton, ‘Nobby’.

Since the launch at the beginning of 2016, the company has undertaken work across several diverse projects, some of these being standalone civils projects and others were a natural partnership between LMS Highways and LMS Civil Solutions offering ‘kerb to kerb’ highways packages. All having great customer satisfaction in common.

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LMS Highways and LMS Civil Solutions combined their highly experienced teams to bring a joined-up highway repairs service on the A120 in Essex in February.

Starting with LMS Civil Solution’s highly-respected concrete bay replacement system to replace faulty slabs, the work took place over three nights.

Two slabs were extracted and replaced each night using our highly effective vacuum-lift system and a rapid-cure concrete solution was used allowing the road to be re-opened safely after each shift.
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